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- motorcycle
- mountain
- much
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- nismo
- nmint
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- nudies
- nunn-bush
- nwtg
- nylon
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- occhiali
- ocean
- offer
- officers
- officine
- oilskin
- older
- olympiakos
- olympics
- online
- ootd
- opening
- orange
- original
- original1950s
- orleans
- oswego
- outdoor
- outfit
- outfits
- outkast
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- oversized
- ozzy
- pablo
- pac-man
- package
- pairs
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- panatela
- pants
- paris
- parliament
- patagonia
- pattern
- paul
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- peaky
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- peters
- phantom
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- picasso
- picker
- pickers
- picking
- pickups
- piece
- pilgrim
- pink
- pioneer
- pistols
- pitti
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- places
- plaid
- platinum
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- polo
- pornstar
- pounds
- pour
- powell
- pre-owned
- premium
- preowned
- president
- price
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- pristine
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- problem
- prodigy
- promo
- pros
- provider
- prowling
- psychopath
- public
- puff
- punisher
- puritan
- purple
- quartermaster
- queens
- quick
- quik
- racing
- rage
- rags
- raided
- raiders
- raiding
- ralph
- random
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- rarest
- ratner
- ray-ban
- rayon
- real
- really
- recent
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- slightly
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- subscription
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- topps
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- total
- tough
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- toyotaline
- traditional
- traveled
- très
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- tupac
- turning
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- types
- tyrolia
- u0026
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- Uncategorized
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1950’s LEVI’S BIG E DENIM JEANS ADVERTISING BANNER RARE 74.5 x 29.75. The top middle gromet is missing, and there are some light stains / dirt, but I believe most of it can be cleaned off. We did not try to clean it. You are getting it as we found it. If you have any further questions or comments please feel free to contact me. If you cannot meet this deadline for any reason please contact me and we can work it out. International Quote is for CANADA ONLY! No warranties or guarantees, implied or written. FOR CLOTHING: All measurements are listed so please compare to a similar piece that fits you. We work very hard to take very clear and accurate pictures and to give very accurate descriptions. We will do our best to make it right. Items that are for pick-up should be done so within 7 days of auctions end unless other arrangements have been made. I have been in business locally for over 5 years. I strive to sell the best product possible with the best listings, descriptions and pictures I can produce. Get Supersized Images & Free Image Hosting. Create your brand with Auctiva’s. Attention Sellers – Get Templates Image Hosting, Scheduling at Auctiva. Track Page Views With. Auctiva’s FREE Counter. The item “1950’s LEVI’S BIG E DENIM JEANS ADVERTISING BANNER RARE 74.5 x 29.75″ is in sale since Sunday, July 09, 2017. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Decorative Collectibles\Signs”. The seller is “360vtgco” and is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada.