Okay, so I don’t know if this one will sell, and frankly, I don’t care. Someone who has an original–and you must rock an original–has to be willing to give it up, and such persons are few and far between. Basically, some gen-xer somewhere has to have “aged out” of their desire to wear the tee, which boggles my mind, and then they have to find someone like me–someone who appreciates early David Lynch and harbors a certain nostalgia for midnight movies. ” I don’t have the space here to get into it, but when I was a kid, there were certain “punk films that we all adored (still adore, if you suffer from my strain of arrested development), and we watched them like there was no tomorrow; it was the 80s, after all, with the cold war and the constant threat of nuclear annihilation–there probably wasn’t gonna be a tomorrow. So we indulged in these films–Eraserhead, Repo Man, After Hours, Boys Next Door–often with grainy VHS copies, over and over again until they busted. And for those of us who know what it means to rock an original Eraserhead tee, the nostalgia runs deep late nights at dingy movie houses in the city, sneaking in beers, etc. So honestly, I don’t know what to expect from my “followers” here (not that I claim to be some sort of cult leader, but there are those who, I know, harbor a general kind of appreciation for slim_punk_vintage), but I’m listing this anyway, because if there are others out there like me–and I hope that there are–then this thing should be, at the very least, available. And it’s absolutely awesome: soft and supple like a true vintage tee, a perfect hang, the drape of a well-worn but well preserved 80s tee, the classic ones that they no longer make (it’s a Screen Stars, btw, tag is missing). In the current Hollywood climate, Eraserhead would never get made today either, so there’s that too. Barely got made the first time. Someday soon the last of these tees will die and crumble to dust. I’ve got no kids to pass it down to, and I don’t plan on having any. God help us if the last of the orignial Eraserhead tees should die with me.