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Rare vintage kanye west the college dropout shirt Bred Yeezy xl Xlarge Promo
This is a very rare shirt, I only seen a few of these for sale in the last decade. These is a small stain on the back of shirt, it’s still in good condition. This rare vintage Kanye West “The College Dropout” shirt is a must-have for any hip hop fan. The shirt features a bold “Bred Yeezy” design in white on a black background, and is made of 100% cotton for ultimate comfort. With a size of XL, it is perfect for those who want to make a statement. The shirt is from the 2000s, making it a valuable addition to any vintage clothing collection. Its brand is Port and Company, known for its high-quality clothing. This shirt is perfect for those who want to show their love for Kanye West and his iconic album, without mentioning the condition of the item. Get your hands on this rare vintage shirt today!